46.086,28 €
/ 35.000,00 €
Project 1
(2015 – 2017)

Construction of a kindergarden / preschool in Senegal

Construction of a kindergarden / preschool in Senegal

Our partner organization Senegal Hilfeverein (project 1 & 2)
Since we have neither experience nor the know-how or the network in this field, we will work together with our partner: The Senegalhilfe-Verein e.V.. All information about them you find here: http://www.senegalhilfe-verein.de/. It is all in German, so if you have any further questions about them please let us know. They do charity work in Senegal for 30 years now and have realized manifold projects such as kindergardens, schools, hospitals etc. They will coordinate the work in Senegal, control and lead the actual constructions and take care that everything will go in the right ways. For 30 years they work with the companies, authorities and municipalities in Senegal and have the full expertise needed. With their experience and wonderful people we trust them fully.

Important to mention is, that this organization only has freelance members. No one is getting paid and there are no costs for administration etc. So again, all money donated via Charity Circle will be used directly and to 100% for our projects.

From 2015 – 2017 we could raise enough money to build a kindergarden (in Senegal a kind of pre school) including the necessary infrastrucuture in the village Ndioukh Thiorokh, which is located in the municipality of Sadiara. The area of the whole kindergarden is ca. 2´500 squaremeters big and there we will built the new kindergarden. First we only planned two classrooms, but then we could realize three. Each of it is 63 squaremeters big (9 meters long and 7 meters wide). Also a little building with several toilets has being built. There are also chairs and tables for 100 children as well as other material.


Here some information about the situation we found at the beginning of 2015 in the village Ndioukh Thiorokh:

  • It exists since 1903 and has around 1´200 inhabitants.
  • 85% of the people are farmers and only have work during the rainy season.
  • 95% of the adult people are analphabets.
  • They had a little kindergarden there, but it was very old and more or less a ruin.
  • 87 children were going there, 45 of them boys and 42 of them girls.
  • In the same building they stored seeds and dung they use on the fields.
  • The children go to school form Monday to Friday, from 08:00 to 13:00.
  • The kindergarden did not have tables; it only had some mats where the kids could sit on.
  • There was only one toilette and no sink for the children.
  • The whole situation was actually unbearable. The roof was not tight anymore and the whole setting wass very poor.

To realize this project we planned an amount of around EUR 35´000. We have received the offers for all what was needed:

  • Original offer from Senegal ( In French language with German translation)
  • The currency in Senegal is CFA-Franc BCEAO. 1 EUR = 655,957 CFA (on 01.03.2015)
  • As shown in the offer the costs for the construction of the kindergarden is CFA 17’000’100.-, the costs for the equipment of the kindergarden is CFA 2’501’000.-.
  • The overall costs sum up to CFA 19’501’100.-. This is equal to EUR 29.729,20.-
  • Considering some changes and having some extra savings for unforeseen incidents we planned the sum to be fundraised at EUR 35´000.-.


  • We could succesfully realize the project. The constructions started in spring 2017 and the official opening was on the 25th of november. Shiraz, Tommy and I could witness the official opening.
  • During the process we have realized tat we would raise more money than initially planned and so we could realize a third classroom.
  • Sue to this the overall costs were higher at the end and sum up to 29’534’960 CFA. At the time we transferred the money this are EUR 45’025.80. It means that we have raised enough money and Charity Circle could finance the whole project on its own.
  • The costs in more detail are:
    • costs for three classrooms (Facture construction des 03 salles de classe): 21 027 460 frs cfa
    • costs for the toilet building (Facture construction de 05 toilettes): 3 072 500 frs cfa
    • costs for the wall surrounding all (Facture construction mur de clôture): 3 095 000 frs cfa
    • costs for tables & chairs (Facture équipement tables bancs,chaises): 1 935 000 frs cfa
    • costs for toys (Facture Jeux pour enfants): 405 000 frs cfa
  • And here ist the complete invoice including all costings: 07 Abrechnung Projekt 1 30.12.17

And that is how it all looks like – our impressions when we visited for the opening ceremony of the kindergarden on the 25th of november 2017:

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